Life and Teachings of Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani: A Spiritual Journey of Devotion and Wisdom

Life and Teachings of Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani



Life and Teachings of Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
Life and Teachings of Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani





Shaykh Mohiy-ud-deen Abdul Abdul Qadir al-Jilani


Beloved of the Sublime, Master of Saints, Leader of the Pure, Chief of Chiefs, King of Kings, Greatest Helper, Guide of the Two Worlds, Peer of Peers, Luminary of Divine Light, Possessor of Illuminated Conscience, Master of Miracles.


Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani was born on 1st Ramadan, 470 Hijri (18th March 1077 A.D.) in the town of Naaif in Jilan, Iran. His father’s name was Hazrat Sayyed Abu Saaleh Moosā Jangi-dost bin Sayyed Abdullāh Jilli (may Allah have mercy upon him), and his mother’s name was Sayyeda Ummul Khair Faatima binte Sayyed Abdullāh Sawmai az-Zaahid (may Allah have mercy upon her).

He is also known by the title “Najib-ut-Taraffain.” His father, Hazrat Sayyed Abu Saaleh Moosā Jangi-dost, belonged to the lineage of Hazrat Imam Hasan al-Musanna, who was the son of Hazrat Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba, who in turn was the son of Hazrat Ali al-Murtaza (may Allah be pleased with them). Thus, Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani belonged to the lineage of Imam Hasan, known as the Hasani Saadaat.

His mother, Sayyeda Ummul Khair Faatima, belonged to the lineage of Hazrat Imam Zain-ul-Aabideen Ali al-Awsat, who was the son of Hazrat Imam Husain, who in turn was the son of Hazrat Ali al-Murtaza (may Allah be pleased with them). Therefore, Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani belonged to the lineage of Imam Husain, known as the Husaini Saadaat.


During the time when his mother was pregnant with him, she was 60 years old, which makes it quite challenging to conceive at that age.

Whenever his mother sneezed and said, “Alhamdulillah” (Praise be to Allah), He would respond from within her womb by saying “Yarahmak-Allāh” (May Allah have mercy on you).

Before your birth, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) appeared in a dream to his father and gave him the glad tidings, saying, “O Abu Saaleh! I bring you good news that my son will be born in your home. His rank among the saints will be like that of all the prophets.”

On the night of your birth, 1,100 boys were born in the vicinity of Baghdad, and all of them became saints and close devotees of Allah.

Since you were born during Ramadan, you would only nurse from your mother during the night, and not during the day.

In that particular year, due to cloudy skies, the crescent moon marking the beginning of Ramadan was not visible. When some people came to your house and informed your mother about this, she said, “My child does not drink milk during the day, only at night. That is why Ramadan’s crescent moon has appeared.”


You began your initial education in Jilan. When you went to the madrasa (religious school), the teacher asked you to recite “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” (In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful). However, you recited the first 15 chapters (paaras) of the Quran after saying “Bismillah.” Your mother had memorized 15 chapters of the Quran, and during her pregnancy, while she recited, you learned those 15 chapters.

When you entered the madrasa, a voice from the unseen would say, “Make room for the friend of Allah.”

On the 11th of Zil Qa’ada, 489 Hijri (October 1096 A.D.), your father passed away. Sometime later, you sought permission from your mother for higher education. Your mother accompanied you to Baghdad with a caravan heading to Hamadan. She sewed 40 gold coins into your shirt and advised you to always speak the truth and eat lawful (halal) food. She also taught you a supplication to recite 101 times if you encountered any difficulties on the way: “Allah is sufficient for me; He is the Best Sustainer and Best Provider. All affairs are in His hands, and all goodness is in Him. Praise be to Allah.”

On the way near Hamadan, a group of bandits surrounded the caravan and looted it. When they asked if you had any valuables, you truthfully answered, “I have 40 gold coins sewn inside my undershirt.” The bandits checked and indeed found the 40 gold coins. The leader of the bandits said, “If you had lied, we would have known.” You replied, “My mother has advised me always to speak the truth. Therefore, I cannot lie.”

Upon hearing your words, the bandits immediately repented and sought forgiveness for their actions.



In 490 Hijri (1096 A.D.), you arrived in Baghdad and pursued your education at Jaamia Nizaamia. You received teachings on Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) from Hazrat Shaikh Abu Saeed Mubarak al-Makhzumi and Hazrat Abu Ali al-Mukharrami. Hazrat Abu Bakr ibn Muzaffar, Hazrat Muhammad ibn Husain Baqalai, and Hazrat Abu Saeed bin Abdul Kareem imparted knowledge of Hadeeth (Prophetic Traditions) to you. You acquired knowledge of Tafseer (Quranic Exegesis) from Hazrat Abu Muhammad Ja’afar, and Hazrat Shaikh Abul Khair Hammaad ibn Muslim al-Dabbas guided you in the study of Tasawwuf (Sufism). You also received teachings from Hazrat Abu Zakariya Yahya Tabrizi.

After completing your studies, you left Baghdad and spent 15 years in seclusion, devoted to worship, spiritual exercises, and self-discipline.

In 509 Hijri (1116 A.D.), you performed your first Hajj pilgrimage.

Later, when you arrived in Madinah Munawwarah from Makkah Mukarramah, you respectfully addressed the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by saying, “O dear grandfather! Until now, I used to send my soul to your presence to offer greetings and salutations. My soul would be present in your court, and I would present my prayers and salutations. But today, O beloved Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), your grandson Abdul Qadir is here in body and soul, desiring to receive the blessed kiss of your sacred hands.”

Upon hearing your request, the noble Prophet (peace be upon him) extended his luminous hands from his blessed grave, and you had the honor of kissing his hands, while the great Ghaus-ul-Azam touched and kissed them as well.


In 520 Hijri (1126 A.D.), you entered into marriage to uphold the practice of the Prophet’s tradition.

In 521 Hijri (1127 A.D.), Hazrat Abu Saeed Mubarak Makhzumi appointed you as Sadr-ul-Mudarris (Head Teacher) in his place.

You narrate the following incident:
“One day, shortly before Zuhr prayer, I had the opportunity to visit the presence of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in my wakeful state. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘My son, why don’t you deliver sermons?’ I replied, ‘O Messenger of Allah, I cannot speak before the prominent scholars of Baghdad.’ The Prophet (peace be upon him) insisted, ‘Open your mouth.’ I opened my mouth, and the Prophet (peace be upon him) placed his saliva on my tongue seven times, saying, ‘Now start delivering sermons without fear.’

Consequently, after performing the Zuhr prayer, I sat down to deliver a sermon, and people automatically gathered to listen. Gradually, a large crowd assembled. Then, I noticed Hazrat Maula Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) appearing before me, urging, ‘Son, why aren’t you delivering sermons?’ I expressed my hesitation, saying, ‘O revered Ali, I lack the courage to speak before such a significant gathering.’ Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) responded, ‘Alright, open your mouth.’ So, I opened my mouth, and Hazrat Ali placed his saliva on my tongue six times. I asked, ‘Why only six times?’ He replied, ‘Out of reverence for the manners of the Prophet (peace be upon him). He placed his saliva on your tongue seven times, and how can I compare myself to the Prophet?’

You further state, ‘Then, all veils were lifted, and I commenced delivering sermons with great eloquence.’


You began teaching and educating students in the madrasa, spreading the message of Islam and delivering sermons and advice. As the number of students increased, in 528 Hijri, you purchased surrounding buildings and incorporated them into the madrasa, expanding and renovating it.

Countless people embraced Islam due to your teachings and miraculous demonstrations of divine power. You formed groups of your disciples and sent them to different countries to propagate Islam. Among your prominent disciples were Ibrāheem bin Bishr, Mohammad bin Ahmad Bakhtiar, Abdullāh al-Sa’adi, Raafe bin Ahmad, and Abu Mohammad bin Abdul Husain.

You were blessed with extraordinary knowledge, enabling you to provide easy and accurate solutions to various issues. Your expertise allowed you to issue correct fatwas (religious rulings) in accordance with the Hanbali school of thought, while also considering the opinions of other schools of thought.

Once, a question was presented to you from a foreign land that had stumped the Muftis (Islamic legal scholars) in Iraq. The question was as follows: A person had made a vow to perform a worship in which there would be no other participant in the entire universe, and if they were unable to fulfill that worship, their wife would receive three divorces (talaaq). In such a situation, which worship could the person perform where no other participant would be present?

All the esteemed scholars were unable to provide an answer to this question. However, when this question reached the presence of Sarkaar Ghauṡe Paak (a title referring to you), you immediately issued the following fatwa: “The person should travel to Makkah and the Mataaf (the area for circumambulation) should be cleared for their exclusive use. If they perform Tawaf (circumambulation) around the Kaaba, their vow will be fulfilled.”

This answer astonished the eminent scholars because this was the only circumstance in which the person could perform an isolated act of worship.


You are the Sayyid of all Awliya’ (saints), the leader of the Peer-e-Peeran (spiritual masters). When you proclaimed in Baghdad, “Qadami hazee hi ala raqabati kulli Waliyillāh,” which means “My footsteps are upon the necks of all Awliya’ of Allah,” all the Awliya’ of Allah accepted it. Khwaja Moeen-ud-deen Hasan Chishti (may Allah be pleased with him) stated, “O Peer of peers! Not only are your blessed feet on my neck, they are on my head.”

You have been bestowed with the rank of “Ghaus-e-Azam” (the Greatest Helper). This rank was previously held by Hazrat Imam Sayyid Hasan al-Askari (may Allah be pleased with him) and remained with Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam Shaikh Sayyid Abdul Qadir Jilani (may Allah be pleased with him) until it reached you. After you, this rank will be bestowed upon Hazrat Imam Sayyid Muhammad al-Mahdi (may Allah be pleased with him), and during that time, the era of the greatness of Ghaus-e-Azam will continue.

You are the Mujaddid (reviver) of the 5th century. You have been given the title of “Mohiy-ud-Deen,” which means the Reviver of the Faith. The Noble Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Chief of all Prophets, endured every difficulty to establish the foundation of the religion of Islam. Your companions sacrificed their lives to protect Islam, and in Karbala, Imam Husain (may Allah be pleased with him) and your loyal companions rejuvenated Islam. Afterward, in every era, the Imams strengthened and fortified Islam.

When the need arose, Allah sent Ghaus-e-Azam “Mohiy-ud-Deen” Abdul Qadir Jilani (may Allah be pleased with him) to revive the religion of Islam. You confronted and refuted the “Mo’atazila” sect, which held the deviant belief that the Quran is created. You clarified that the Quran is the speech of Allah. Likewise, numerous innovations had spread, which you refuted through your teachings and imparted the knowledge of the Sunnah and Shariah to the people.

Your student, Shaikh Abdullah Zubai, narrates that once, due to the speech of Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam (may Allah be pleased with him), more than a hundred thousand sinful and misguided individuals repented, and thousands of Jews and Christians embraced Islam.


Shaikh Umar Kimani narrates that once, during the esteemed service of Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam (may Allah be pleased with him), 13 individuals embraced Islam. After becoming Muslims, they stated that they were Arab Christians and had intended to embrace Islam by the blessed hands of a perfect man. During that time, they heard a mysterious voice saying, “Go to Baghdad and embrace Islam by the blessed hands of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, for the level of faith that will be instilled in your hearts through the blessings of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani is impossible to attain from any other place in this era.” Therefore, they arrived in Baghdad as guided by that unseen command and, Alhamdulillah, their hearts became illuminated with the light of guidance.

You (Ghaus-e-Azam) state, “If you see someone flying in the air but not abiding by the Shariah, it is deception, not sainthood.”

Once, you were engrossed in spiritual struggle in the jungle, and you became extremely thirsty. Suddenly, by the divine mercy, a cloud appeared and rain started pouring over you. You drank that water. Afterward, you saw another cloud manifesting, and it emitted such a radiance that it spread up to the heavens. From it, a face emerged and said, “O Abdul Qadir! I am your Creator and Lord. I have made everything permissible for you.” Immediately, you sought refuge (Aoozu billah). With that, the radiance disappeared instantly, and darkness prevailed. A voice came, saying, “O Abdul Qadir! Your knowledge has saved you. Otherwise, I would have misled many saints in the same way.” You said, “Indeed, this is the grace of my Lord, who has saved me from you.”

Upon hearing this incident, your son, Shaikh Sayyed Zia-ud-Deen Moosa, asked you how you knew that it was Satan. You replied, “Because he told me that what is prohibited is also made permissible for me, and Allah never gives such a wrong command.”

You spent 15 years completing the recitation of the entire Quran during the night.
For 40 years, you performed the Fajr prayer after ablution from Isha prayer.




Allah Almighty bestowed upon you such extraordinary miracles, and you manifested such supernatural occurrences that disbelievers embraced Islam and the faith of Muslims became stronger and steadfast. These miracles include reviving the dead, bringing a sunken ship to the shore after years, granting children to the childless, granting healing to the sick, assisting those with memory retention, and transforming a thief into a righteous servant (Abdaal).

Furthermore, even before your birth when you were in your mother’s womb, you saved her from a snake attack.

(1) One day, Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam was passing through a neighborhood and witnessed a Muslim and a Christian engaged in a debate. When you asked for the reason, the Muslim said, “This Christian claims that Hazrat Isa (Jesus) is superior to your Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).” You asked the Christian, “By what standard do you consider Hazrat Isa (Jesus) superior?” He replied, “Hazrat Isa (Jesus) used to revive the dead.” You said, “I am a follower of the Seal of the Prophets, the Leader of Creation, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). If I bring the dead to life, will you then acknowledge the superiority of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?” He replied, “Certainly.”

Then, you all went to the graveyard. You asked him, “Which grave would you like to bring back to life?” The Christian pointed towards an old grave. You said, “I will raise the dead person who used to perform good deeds in this world.”

You said, “Kum bi iznillah” (Arise with the permission of Allah), and the grave opened, and the dead person came out alive, singing. You asked him for his name and occupation. Then, he asked, “What era is this?” You replied, “It is the era of the Seal of the Prophets, the Leader of Creation, Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him). Do you wish to return to the world?” He replied, “No.” Upon witnessing this, the Christian converted to Islam.

(2) Once, a woman left her son in the care and education of Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam Jeelani (may Allah be pleased with him). After a few days, when she returned, she saw that Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam was eating chicken while her son was eating plain bread. She said, “Respected Sir, I left my son under your care, and even in his meals, you are treating him differently.” After finishing the meal, you collected the bones of the chicken and recited a supplication, and miraculously, the chicken came back to life and walked away. You said, “When your son reaches this level, he will also be able to eat such food.”

(3) Once, Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam was delivering a speech, and Shaikh Ali bin Haiti was present in the gathering. During the speech, Shaikh Ali bin Haiti fell asleep. When he woke up, he saw that Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam had descended from the pulpit and was standing respectfully before him. Shaikh Ali bin Haiti quickly stood up to show respect. You said to him, “I am standing here respectfully because I saw in your dream that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has honored you by coming to you.”

(4) A child was born to Shaikh Ali ibn Arabi, but he was a eunuch (khansa). Someone advised him to go to the court of Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam Abdul Qadir Jeelani and request prayers. Shaikh Ali ibn Arabi visited the court of Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam and requested prayers. You said, “It is not in your destiny to have a son.” Shaikh Ali ibn Arabi asked, “Then why did I come to your court?” You replied, “Very well. I will grant you a son from my own destiny.”

In 560 Hijri, Shaikh Ali ibn Arabi was blessed with a son, and in accordance with the command of Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam, he named him Muhammad and gave him the title “Muhiy-ud-deen.” When he grew up, he became a renowned scholar and a Qutub.

(5) Once, a relative of Khalifa Mustanjid Billah was brought to the court of Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam. The person was suffering from dropsy, a condition where fluid accumulates in the abdomen, causing it to swell. As soon as you touched his swollen belly and pressed it, the swelling disappeared, and his belly returned to its normal state, bringing him relief.


(6) Once, Abul Mu’aali Baghdadi approached Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam and said, “My child Muhammad has been suffering from a fever for the past 15 months, and the fever does not subside at any time.” You instructed him to whisper in the child’s ear, “O mother of Muldin! Shaikh Abdul Qadir has commanded that the fever be directed towards the direction of Hila (a specific place).” Abul Mu’aali followed the advice of Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam, and the child’s persistent fever gradually disappeared.

(7) On another occasion, a resident of Isfahan came to the presence of Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam Abdul Qadir Jeelani (may Allah be pleased with him) and expressed his concern, saying, “My wife has been suffering from a chronic illness for a long time, and no medication or supplication seems to have any effect.” You instructed him, “This is the mischief of a mischievous jinn named Haanis in the Valley of Sarandeep. When your wife experiences a seizure, whisper in her ear, ‘O Haanis! Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani (may Allah be pleased with him) commands you to desist from your mischief, or else you will be vanquished.'” After receiving this advice, the man returned to Isfahan.

After 10 years, he came back and reported, “O Master! As you had instructed, I followed your guidance. Since that day, my wife has never experienced another seizure.”

(8) Once, during a period of drought and famine in Baghdad, Shaikh Abul Abbas complained to Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam about poverty and hunger. In response, you granted him approximately 10 sair (a measure of weight) of wheat and advised, “Take it with you and continue using it sparingly, but do not measure it by weight.” As a result, all the members of his household survived on that wheat for five years. One day, his wife weighed the remaining wheat and discovered that the weight was the same as it was on the first day. However, after that day, the wheat was consumed within seven days.

(9) Once, during a sermon delivered by Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam, a man named Abul Mu’aali was sitting in the front row, listening attentively. After some time, he felt the need to relieve himself. Thinking it would be inappropriate to leave the gathering, he noticed that Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam came down from the pulpit and placed his cloak over him. To his surprise, he found himself in a valley with a jungle and a flowing river nearby. He performed ablution and offered two units of prayer. As soon as he completed his prayer, he saw that Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam had removed the cloak, and he realized that he was still present in the gathering, which continued with the sermon. Later, he remembered that he had placed his key ring on a branch of a tree, which he had forgotten to retrieve. Some time later, while he was traveling for business, he arrived at the same valley and stayed there. He remembered that it was the place where Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam had transported him during the sermon. When he approached the tree branch, he saw that the branch where he had left his keys was still there.

(10) In Ceylon, there was a woman who was a disciple of Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam. Once, a man attacked her with evil intentions. She called upon Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam for help. At that moment, Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam was performing ablution (wudu). He lifted his shoe and threw it into the air. People were amazed to see that the shoe did not fall to the ground, and nobody could tell where it went. The shoe landed on the head of the wicked man who intended to harm the woman, causing him to die instantly.
(This blessed shoe of yours is preserved as a sacred relic in Sri Lanka [Ceylon].)

(11) Once, Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam was delivering a lesson to his disciples. Suddenly, his face turned red, and sweat appeared on his forehead. He immediately placed his hand inside his robe and remained silent for a while. When he took his hand out from the robe, everyone was astonished to see that drops of water were falling from his sleeve.
Two months later, a caravan of traders arrived with many gifts. When his disciples inquired about the reason, the traders said, “When we were traveling by ship towards Baghdad, a fierce storm started. In order to save ourselves from this danger, we immediately remembered Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam. Suddenly, a sacred hand emerged and guided our ship safely to the shore.” Upon hearing this, people realized that Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam had dipped his hand inside his robe, and that’s why drops of water were falling from it.

(12) Sheikh Ismail bin Hameeri had a magnificent date palm garden, granted by the grace of Allah. Two trees in the garden dried up, and no more dates were produced. He thought of uprooting those two trees.
One day, Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam visited his garden and asked for water to perform ablution. Water was provided, and Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam performed ablution under one dried tree and offered two optional prayer units (nafl) beneath another dried tree. While he was praying, both trees became lush green, and as soon as he finished the prayer, dates started growing on those trees.

(13) Once, there was a flood in the Tigris River, causing distress among the people. They approached Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam, seeking his assistance. He took his blessed staff (asa) and walked towards the river. When he reached the riverbank, he struck the water with his staff and said, “O water, return only up to this limit.” Immediately, the water started receding and reached the specified limit, ensuring the safety of the people and their belongings.

(14) Once, in Baghdad, an epidemic of plague (ta’un) spread widely, and thousands of people were dying every day. The people complained to Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam about this situation. He said, “Grind the grass from our seminary and feed it to the patients. By the grace of Allah, it will bring healing, and the plague will continue to recede.” The people followed his instructions, and the patients began to recover. As the number of patients increased, Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam said, “Whoever drinks a drop of water from our seminary will also be cured.” People drank the water from his seminary and obtained complete recovery, and the plague did not return during his lifetime.

(15) Abul Muzaffar, a merchant, came to the presence of Hazrat Shaikh Hammaad seeking his prayers and blessings. He said, “Hazrat, I am going to the land of Sham (Syria) with 100 gold coins, and I have goods worth the same value. Please pray for my safe return.” Shaikh Hammaad advised him, “Either cancel your journey, or you will face severe losses. Bandits will loot all your wealth and may even kill you.” The merchant became worried upon hearing this. While returning in a state of anxiety, he met Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam by chance. Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam asked him, “Why are you worried?” The merchant narrated the entire incident to him. Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam comforted him, saying, “Do not worry. Proceed to the land of Sham with enthusiasm. Insha Allah, no harm will come to you, and you will return safely and successfully.” Following Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam’s advice, the merchant traveled to the land of Sham. He gained significant profit from his journey. From there, he proceeded to the land of Halab (Aleppo), forgetting about the 100 gold coins. Lost in his thoughts, he fell asleep. In his dream, he saw that some robbers attacked his caravan, looting all his belongings and killing him. Upon awakening, he realized that he had left his belongings, including the 100 gold coins, at a particular location. He hurriedly went there and found the bag of coins. Happily, he returned to Baghdad. Coincidentally, he met Hazrat Shaikh Hammaad in the market and narrated the incident. Shaikh Hammaad said, “Go and meet Ghawth-e-Azam first. Beloved of the Sublime, Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam, made 70 prayers for you in the court of Allah. Due to his prayers, your fate has changed, as I informed you. Allah changed the imminent incident into a dream through the blessings of Ghawth-e-Azam.” Upon hearing this, the merchant visited Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam, who confirmed, “Indeed, I made 70 prayers for you.”

(16) Sharif Makrooji, a merchant, was traveling with 14 camels loaded with sugar for trade. Along the way, the caravan camped in a desert. At the last hour of the night when they were preparing to resume the journey, they discovered that four camels had gone missing. The merchant searched extensively but could not find the camels. He called upon Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam for help. He noticed a white-robed and luminous saint standing on a hill, beckoning him with his hand. As the merchant approached the hill, the saint disappeared, and to his amazement, the four missing camels were sitting along with their cargo on the other side.

(17) During the month of Muharram, Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam was present in a guest house, where around 300 people were also attending his blessed gathering. Suddenly, Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam got up and went outside, asking all the people to follow him. Everyone came out, and just as they stepped out of the house, the roof of the building collapsed with a loud crash. Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam said, “I was sitting inside when I received a divine message that the roof of this building would collapse. Therefore, I came out, and I wanted all of you to come out as well so that no one gets trapped.”


(18) Once, due to the illness of a prominent Abdaal, they were removed from the rank of Abdaaliyat. They came to the presence of Hazrat Ghawth-e-Pak (may Allah be pleased with him), bowed down in supplication, and placed their forehead on the threshold of a madrasa and began to weep.

At that moment, a voice from the unseen world was heard, saying, “Since you have placed your head in humility on the dust of my beloved Abdul Qadir’s threshold, I have forgiven you and bestowed upon you an even higher status. Be grateful for this great blessing of the Ghawth-e-Azam.” Another narration states that, “He sought the intercession of 70 Auliya Allah, but when Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam sought intercession, Allah Almighty restored his sainthood.”

(19) Once, during the night, a thief entered the house of Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam (may Allah be pleased with him) and took his cloak. Immediately, he became blind. He put the cloak back, and his sight was restored. This happened three times. On the third occasion, even after putting the cloak back, he remained blind. He sat there in that condition while Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam (may Allah be pleased with him) remained engaged in his nightly prayers.

When they finished the morning prayer, Hazrat Khidr (peace be upon him) came to their presence and said, “In a certain town, the death of an Abdaal has occurred. Order his replacement to be appointed.” Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam instructed, “Bring the same thief to me.” The thief, who was blind, was brought forward. Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam focused his attention on him, and at that moment, his eyes opened, and he attained the rank of Abdaal. Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam then commanded, “Take him away and appoint him in the place of that Abdaal.”

(20) Once, while Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam (may Allah be pleased with him) was delivering a sermon, it started to rain, and people began to get up and leave. Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam turned towards the sky and said, “I am gathering people for Your remembrance, and You are dispersing them.” The rain stopped immediately inside the gathering hall, but it continued to rain outside.

(21) Once during the month of Ramadan, coincidentally, 70 individuals invited Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam for Iftar at their respective homes. Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam accepted the invitation of each one. When it was time to break the fast, Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam went to the homes of each of them and had Iftar there. Simultaneously, he had his own Iftar at his home. This news spread in Baghdad, and one of his attendants wondered how Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam managed to visit the homes of so many people and have Iftar at the same time from his own home. Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam addressed his concern and said, “It is true that I visited the homes of all 70 individuals separately and had Iftar there, and at the same time, I had my own Iftar at my home.”


(22) Hazrat Abdullah Zayyal narrates, “Once, during the night, I was standing in the madrasa of Hazrat Ghawth-e-Pak (may Allah be pleased with him) when he came out with a staff in his blessed hand. Seeing him, a thought crossed my mind that I wish Ghawth-e-Azam would show some miracle through this staff. At that moment, Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam planted the staff in the ground, and it illuminated like a torch, remaining bright for a considerable time. When he removed it from the ground, it returned to its original state.

Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam then said, ‘O Abdullah! Was this what you desired?'”

(23) Shaikh Aarif Sabati (may Allah be pleased with him) states, “Once, I came to Baghdad Shareef to visit Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam (may Allah be pleased with him) and stayed in his service for a few days. Then, when I intended to go to Egypt for spiritual striving and sought permission from him, Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam put two of his blessed fingers into my mouth and commanded me to suck them. I understood the purpose behind it.

Later, when I arrived in Egypt, my condition was such that I neither ate nor drank anything. Despite this, my strength was greater than before.”

(24) Once, Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam (may Allah be pleased with him) was traveling in a boat with a group of disciples. One of the men on the boat passed away. People decided to throw his body into the river, but Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam stopped them and, through his power, dried up the river. They then dug a grave and buried the deceased. Afterward, both the water and the boat rose up.

(Tahqeeq-ul-Awliya Fee Shaane Sultan-e-Asfiya)

(25) Once, the Caliph of Baghdad, Abu Muzaffar Yousuf, presented himself before Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam and expressed his desire to witness a miracle. Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam asked, “What do you wish for?”

He replied, “I want an apple from the unseen.” At that time, there was no apple season in Iraq. Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam extended his hand, and there were two apples in his blessed hand. He gave one apple to Abu Muzaffar and cut the other apple with his own hand, releasing a delightful fragrance. When Abu Muzaffar cut his apple, he found worms inside. He asked, “O Ghaus-e-Azam, what is this?” Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam replied, “Abu Muzaffar, when your apple came under oppression, worms entered it.”

(26) Hazrat Sayyed Abu Saaleh Nasr (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates from his esteemed father, Hazrat Sayyed Abdul Razzaaq (may Allah be pleased with him), saying, “Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani (may Allah be pleased with him) once went out for Friday prayers, and I and my two brothers, Hazrat Abdul Wahaab and Hazrat Eisā (may Allah be pleased with them), accompanied him. On the way, we encountered the governor, the police chief, and government officials, who had three jars of wine with a strong odor. Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam told them to stop, but they hurriedly went on with their animals. Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam then commanded the animals to stop, and they remained in their positions. Those people used to severely beat the animals, but they did not move from their spots. All of them developed severe headaches and fell to the ground. When they declared their repentance and sought forgiveness, the pain subsided, and the odor of wine turned into musk. Upon opening the jars, they found only perfume. Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam then proceeded to the Jama Masjid. When the news of this incident reached the governor, he came to Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam’s presence, filled with fear, and asked for forgiveness.”

(27) Abul Khizr Husaini narrates, “In 560 Hijri, Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam (may Allah be pleased with him) told me, ‘Go towards the city of Mosul, and there Allah will bless you with offspring. The first child will be a boy. Name him ‘Mohammad.’ An Ajami (non-Arab) scholar will teach him the recitation of the Holy Quran. His name will be Ali, and when your son is 7 years old, he will memorize the entire Quran in just 7 months. Your lifespan will be 94 years, 6 months, and 7 days, and you will pass away in good health at the maqam of Baarbil.’

According to the instructions of Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam, in 561 Hijri, a son named Abu Abdullah Mohammad was born in the city of Mosul. Abul Khizr Husaini arranged for a non-Arab scholar to teach him the Quran when the child’s name and birthplace were inquired. He revealed his name as Ali, and his birthplace as Baghdad.

Abul Khizr Husaini’s demise also occurred as predicted by Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam, in good health at the maqam of Baarbil.”


(28) In the graveyard of Baabul Ijz neighborhood in Baghdad, the sound of a deceased person screaming could be heard from a grave. People approached Sayyiduna Ghawth-e-Azam and informed him about it. You asked, “Has the person in the grave taken allegiance with me?” The people replied, “We don’t know.” You asked, “Has he ever attended my gathering?” They replied, “We don’t know.” Then you asked, “Has he eaten anything from my food?” They replied, “We don’t know.”

Afterward, you entered a state of deep meditation (muraqaba) and then lifted all the Sacred Books and said, “The angels have informed me that this person has visited me and had love and admiration for me. Therefore, Allah has shown him mercy.”

After that, no sound was heard from that grave again.

(29) Narrated by Sheikh Yahya bin Abi Nasr Baghdadi:
“I heard from my father that he said, ‘Once, I called upon the jinn through occult practices, and they took a long time to arrive. When they finally came, they told me not to summon them when Sayyiduna Ghawth-e-Azam Abdul Qadir Jilani (may Allah be pleased with him) was delivering a sermon. I asked them the reason, and they said, ‘We attend his gatherings as well. Yes, we, jinn, outnumber humans, and many groups among us have repented and embraced Islam.'”

You have written numerous books that are famous, including:

  1. Qaseedat-ul-Ghawthia
  2. Ghunyat-ut-Talibeen (The Sufficiency of Seekers of Truth in the Path of God)
  3. Fath-ur-Rabbani (The Sublime Revelation)
  4. Fath-ul-Ghaib (The Revelation of the Unseen)
  5. Jala al-Khawatir (The Illumination of Thoughts)
  6. Sirr-ul-Asrar wa Mazhar-ul-Anwar (The Secret of Secrets and the Manifestation of Lights)
  7. Al-Fuyuzat-ul-Rabbaniya (The Heavenly Gushes of Divine Inspiration)
  8. Bashair-ul-Khairat (The Glad Tidings of Good Deeds)
  9. Malfuzat (Discourses and Conversations)




(1) The essence of acquiring knowledge is to learn, practice, and teach all virtues.
(2) If you don’t find sweetness in a righteous deed, understand that you haven’t truly performed it.
(3) The past is a lesson, today is a blessing, and tomorrow is merely a hope.
(4) O seeker of Paradise, today is the only day you have to build and attain Paradise. Who knows if your departure comes tomorrow?
(5) Your greatest enemies are your own evil inclinations.
(6) You are busy fulfilling the desires of your ego, while your ego is leading you to ruin.
(7) The wise seek counsel from the heart first, then speak through their tongues.
(8) Patience is the name of standing firm in times of hardship and holding onto the path of Shariah.
(9) The best deed is to give to others, not to take from them.
(10) False pride closes all paths of benefit.
(11) Conceal your difficulties, and Allah’s proximity will be granted to you.
(12) Rizq (sustenance) without gratitude and hardship without patience are tests.
(13) A believer entrusts their family to Allah, while a hypocrite entrusts their wealth and possessions.
(14) The oppressor ruins the world of the oppressed and their own Hereafter.
(15) Darkness fills the heart through oppression. Oppression darkens the face. Do not oppress, nor support the oppressor.
(16) Unfortunate is the person whose heart lacks compassion for creatures.
(17) Whoever becomes close to Allah becomes considerate toward Allah’s creation.
(18) A servant becomes closer to their Lord when they are tested.
(19) Seek companionship with scholars who possess three qualities: [1] Knowledge, [2] Practice, and [3] Benevolence.
(20) If a scholar is not abstinent (zaahid), they are a punishment for their followers. A scholar who practices is the representative of Allah.
(21) When you fall ill, greet it with patience and gratitude, so that it may become a mercy for you.
(22) Completely detach yourself from the world in your heart, and it will not harm you.
(23) Envy is a terrible trait that hollows faith and deprives one of Allah’s mercy.
(24) Allah loves those servants the most who benefit Allah’s servants.
(25) If a scholar is not abstinent, they are a punishment for their followers, and a scholar without practice is not a representative of Allah.
(26) Whether in hardship or ease, remain content with Allah. Never complain about Him.
(27) Behave respectfully in front of people. If you expose your poverty, you will fall under the scrutiny of others’ eyes.
(28) If you dig a well but water it with thorny bushes, what will you gain? Only when your heart is purified by practicing the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet will your limbs become pure. The limbs will be purified when you act upon the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet. When the heart is protected, the limbs will also be protected.
(29) Your true friend is the one who prevents you from evil, and your enemy is the one who leads you astray.
(30) A person cannot become a perfect believer as long as there is greed or fear of any creature in their heart.



You have four wives:
(1) Lady Madeena, daughter of Meer Muhammad Masjidi
(2) Lady Saadiqa, daughter of Muhammad Shafi
(3) Lady Mo’mina
(4) Lady Mehbooba

You have 27 sons and 22 daughters, some of whom passed away in childhood.

(1) Sheikh Saif-ud-deen Abdul Wahaab
(2) Sheikh Taaj-ud-deen Abdur Razzaaq
(3) Sheikh Shams-ud-deen Abdul Azeez
(4) Sheikh Siraaj-ud-deen Abdul Jabbaar
(5) Sheikh Sharf-ud-deen Eisā
(6) Sheikh Zia-ud-deen Moosā
(7) Sheikh Yahyā
(8) Sheikh Abdullāh
(9) Sheikh Muhammad
(10) Sheikh Ibrāheem
(11) Sheikh Abdur Rahmān

(1) Sayyeda Aafia
(2) Sayyeda Yāseen
(3) Sayyeda Aleema
(4) Sayyeda Taaj
(5) Sayyeda Zaahida
(6) Sayyeda Zaakira
(7) Sayyeda Ummul Fazal
(8) Sayyeda Shareefa
(9) Sayyeda Aabida
(10) Sayyeda Khadeeja
(11) Sayyeda Riji
(12) Sayyeda Ummul Fateh
(13) Sayyeda Zahra
(14) Sayyeda Jamaal
(15) Sayyeda Khair-un-Nisa
(16) Sayyeda Shaah Khaatim
(17) Sayyeda Shaah Bibi
(18) Sayyeda Fakira
(19) Sayyeda Faatima
(20) Sayyeda Umme Salama
(21) Sayyeda Fazal-un-Nisa
(22) Sayyeda Taaj-un-Nisa

You are a disciple and successor (khalifa) of Hazrat Shaikh Abu Saeed Mubarak Makhzumi al-Mukarrami (may Allah have mercy upon him), who belongs to the Junaidi silsila. The Qaadri silsila of Tareeqat continues through you.

Your successors (khulafa) are:
(1) Hazrat Shaikh Sayyed Saif-ud-deen Abdul Wahaab (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(2) Hazrat Shaikh Sayyed Taaj-ud-deen Abdur Razzaaq (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(3) Hazrat Shaikh Sayyed Shams-ud-deen Abdul Azeez (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(4) Hazrat Shaikh Sayyed Siraaj-ud-deen Abdul Jabbaar (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(5) Hazrat Shaikh Sayyed Sharf-ud-deen Eisā (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(6) Hazrat Shaikh Sayyed Zia-ud-deen Moosā (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(7) Hazrat Shaikh Sayyed Yahyā (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(8) Hazrat Shaikh Sayyed Abdullāh (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(9) Hazrat Shaikh Sayyed Muhammad (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(10) Hazrat Shaikh Sayyed Ibrāheem (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(11) Hazrat Shaikh Sayyed Abdur Rahmān (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(12) Hazrat Shaikh Shahaab-ud-deen Umar Suharwardi (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(13) Hazrat Shaikh Abu Madyan, Shoaib al-Maghribi (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(14) Hazrat Shaikh Ali al-Haddaad (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(15) Hazrat Shaikh Shaah Abu Umar Qureshi Marzook (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(16) Hazrat Shaikh Qareeb Alban Mosuli (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(17) Hazrat Shaikh Ahmad bin Mubarak (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(18) Hazrat Shaikh Abu Saeed Shibli (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(19) Hazrat Shaikh Nashaab-ud-deen (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(20) Hazrat Shaikh Abu Muhammad Abdullāh Jabaai (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(21) Hazrat Imaam Moafaq-ud-deen Abu Muhammad bin Qudaama Maqdasi (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(22) Hazrat Shaikh Mohammad Younus (may Allah have mercy upon him)
(23) Hazrat Shaikh Kabeer-ud-deen, also known as Shaah Daula (may Allah have mercy upon him) from Gujrat, Pakistan
(24) Hazrat Khwaja Ismāeel bin Haaji Hud (may Allah have mercy upon him)



In the year 561 Hijri, you fell ill. However, you continued to offer prayers diligently and served the religion with devotion. Your son, Shaikh Abdul Jabbaar, asked you if you were in pain, and you replied, “I have physical pain, but my heart is at peace, engrossed in the remembrance of Allah.” Your other son, Shaikh Abdul Azeez, inquired about your condition, and you said, “No one can truly comprehend my suffering except my Lord. He is well aware of the reality.”

Before your passing, your son Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Wahaab sought advice from you, and you advised, “Obey Allah completely, solely for His pleasure. Practice patience and self-restraint. Fear only Allah and place your hope and requests only in Him. Have unwavering faith in Allah alone, and do not rely on anyone else.”

Then you asked for water, performed ablution, and offered the Isha prayer. Following that, you supplicated, “O Allah! Forgive the sins of the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). O Allah! Have mercy on the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). O Allah! Pardon the faults of the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).”

Afterward, you laid on your side and said, “I seek the refuge of Allah, I desire His protection. Allah is One, He has power over all things, and He has knowledge of everything. Besides Him, there is no deity worthy of worship. He is matchless, independent, and eternal, and Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) is His Prophet and Messenger.”

Then you repeated the word “Allah” three times and passed away.

You passed away on 17 Rabi al-Thani, 561 Hijri (20th February 1166 A.D.), at the age of 91. Your funeral prayer was led by your son Hazrat Shaikh Sayyed Abdul Wahaab Qaadri al-Jilani (may Allah have mercy upon him).

Your resting place is in the Resafa area of Baghdad, Iraq. Your annual commemoration (urs) is celebrated on the 11th of Rabi al-Thani and is known as “Eid-ul-Ghauṡiya.”

Even after your passing, your blessings continue. In the Khanqah of Hazrat Makhdoom Jahaaniyan Jahaangasht Sayyed Jalaal-ud-deen Husain (may Allah have mercy upon him), there was a grass hut where a fire broke out and flames started to spread. You took a handful of soil, loudly proclaimed, “O Shaikh Abdul Qaadir Jeelaani, a gift for Allah,” and threw the soil towards the fire, immediately extinguishing it.

May Allah, through the intercession of His Beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) and the blessings of Hazrat Ghauṡ e aazam Shaikh Sayyed Abdul Qaadir Jilani (may Allah be pleased with him) and the Ahl al-Bayt and Awliya Allah, grant everyone complete love for the Prophet, protect their faith, inspire them to perform righteous deeds, and grant them success in this world and the Hereafter. Amen.

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