Ishq Ke Rang Me Rang Jao Mere Yaar Naat Lyrics

Ishq Ke Rang Me Rang Jao Mere Yaar Naat Lyrics



ishq ke rang me rang jao mere yaar naat lyrics
ishq ke rang me rang jao mere yaar naat lyrics





Ishq ke rang me rang jaein jab afkaar to khulte hein ghulaamon pe wo asraar ke rehte hein wo tawseef sanaae shahe abraar me har lehzaa Guhar baar
Warna Wo Sayyade Aale Nasabi han Wohi Ummi Laquabi Hashmi o Motalabi o Arabi o Qarashi o Madani aur kahan hamse gunahgaar
Aarzoo ye he ke ho qualb muattar wo mutahhar wo munawwar wo mujalla wo musaffa durehaalaa jo nazar aae kahin jalwaae roue shahe abraar
Jin ke qadmon ki chamak chaand sitaaron me nazar aae jidhar se wo guzar jaae wohi raah chamak jae damak jae mahak jae bane rawnaque gulzaar
Soung loun khushbue geisoue Muhammad wo siya zulf nahin jis ke muquaabil ye banafsha ye suyunti ye chambeli ye gule laalaa o champaa ka nikhaar
Jis ki nakhat pe hein qurbaan gulo bargo saman naafaae aahoue khutan bade chaman buwe chaman naaze chaman noure chaman range chaman saaraa chaman zaar
Ik shahanshah ne bakhshe jo samarkand o bukhaaraa kissi mahboub ke rukhsaar ke til par magar eh Sayyade Aali teri namos teri azmat par
Eh Rassoule Madani eik nahin laakhon hein qurbaan gahe ishq ke har kuchao bazaar me sar apnaa hatheli pe liye phirte hein karne ko nisaar
Aap ke zikr me hein dam masaalaa sare huda kawne arab naghma nigaaraane ajam shawkate alfaaz adab azmate kirtaas o qalam baate sabaa mohje naseen
Dahne bulbule shiri lahane umriyo toti shafe mahtaab sitaare malak o hour jinaa jin ki nawahon me duroodon ka hisaar
Waraf’anaa lakazikrak ki iss aayaa e tawseef ki tawseef me tafseer me tashreekh me tawzikh me tanween me har ehd ki shaamil he zabaan.
Labe Hassan o Ravaahaa wo labe Fatemah Zahraa wo Ali aabide bimaarBusairi dahane ourtiyo jaame labe sahti o razaa sab sar shaar
Ishq ke rang me rang jaae muhajir ho ke pakhtoun balonchi ho ke punjabi o sindhi kissi khitte ki kabile ki zaban isse nahin koyi sarokaar
Jaamae ishqe Mohammad jo pehenletaa he har haar ko wo phool banaa letaa he dunyaa ko jhukaaletaa he kartaa he zamaane ko muhabbat ka shikaar
Ye muhaajir ki he saf aur ye punjaabi ki pakhtoun ki sindhi ki balonchi ki juda par ke dikhao to kissi shehr ki masjid me kabhi eisi namaz
Harame kaabaa me arafaat ke maidaan me ya Rawza-e-Sarkaar pe kyun shaane milaate wahan karte nahin rang ka aur nasl katum apni shoumaar
Yaa Nabi ! Aap ka ye adbi sanaakhwane dare rahmat ka gada detaa he dar dar ye sadaa detaa he Aap se chaahat ka salaa apni zaban me taasir
Soun ke sab ahle chaman ous ka sukhan oun ko bhi aajaae hayaa sar ho nidaamat se jhukaa aur nazar dekhe wo islaaf ki oulfat ka nazaaraa eik baar
Ay Aadeeb Ab youn hi alfaaz ke ambaar me ham doubte reh jaein magar haqqe sanaa goyi adaa phir bhi naa kar paein ye jazbaat o zabaan o kalam o fikr o khayaal
Oun ki midhat to Malaaik ka wazifaa he Sahaaba ka tariqaa heibaadat ka saleeqaa he ye khaaliq ka pasandeeda he Quraan ka he iss me shyaar



Ishq ke rang mein rang jao mere yaar
Mere huzoor ke dar par lao mere yaar
Aaqa ka milad aaya, aaqa ka milad aaya
Aao mil kar jashn manaayein

Sarkar ki mehfil saji hai, sarkar ki mehfil saji hai
Aaqa ki mehfil mein shaan hai

Shama se pehle charagh ho, shama se pehle charagh ho
Chiragh se pehle noor-e-ilahi

Rang de chaman ko bhi khushbu se, rang de chaman ko bhi khushbu se
Jo dali na thi phoolon ki

Ishq ke rang mein rang jao mere yaar
Mere huzoor ke dar par lao mere yaar


Color yourself in the colors of love, O my friend
Come to the doorstep of my Master with me, O my friend
The birthday of the Prophet has arrived, the birthday of the Prophet has arrived
Come, let’s celebrate together

The gathering of the Prophet is adorned, the gathering of the Prophet is adorned
There is honor in the gathering of the Prophet

Be the light before the candle, be the light before the candle
Be the divine light before the lamp

Color the garden with fragrance too, color the garden with fragrance too
That which was not the branch of flowers

Color yourself in the colors of love, O my friend
Come to the doorstep of my Master with me, O my friend.


This is a poem that praises and celebrates the Prophet Muhammad and his qualities. It speaks of the different names of Allah and their meanings, and how the Prophet embodies these qualities. The poet speaks of the beauty of the Prophet’s character and how it inspires love and devotion in people from different parts of the world.

The poet speaks of the different attributes of Allah, such as being compassionate, merciful, just, and forgiving. These attributes are embodied in the Prophet, who is described as being the source of peace, the inspirer of faith, the guardian, and the giver of life.

The poem also mentions the different names of the Prophet, such as being from the Hashmi and Qarashi tribes, and being from the city of Madinah. The poet speaks of the Prophet’s humility and how he is the leader of all people, regardless of their social status or background.

The poet speaks of the beauty of the Prophet’s character and how it inspires love and devotion in people from different parts of the world. The poem speaks of the love and devotion that people have for the Prophet, and how they sacrifice everything for his sake.

The poet also speaks of the different ways in which the Prophet is remembered and celebrated, such as through poetry, music, and other forms of art. The poem speaks of the importance of keeping the memory of the Prophet alive and how it can inspire people to live a better life.

Overall, the poem is a celebration of the Prophet Muhammad and his qualities, and how they inspire love and devotion in people from all over the world. It is a beautiful tribute to the Prophet and a reminder of his teachings and message.




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