Surah At-Tariq

Surah At-Tariq: The Celestial Guardian, Benefits & Tajweed Guide
Meta Description: Discover Surah At-Tariq’s message of divine accountability, its spiritual benefits, and tajweed rules. Download the PDF and strengthen your faith.

Introduction to Surah At-Tariq

Surah At-Tariq, the 86th chapter of the Quran, is a profound Meccan revelation titled “The Night Comer” or “The Morning Star.” With 17 verses and 1 ruku in the 30th juz’, it emphasizes Allah’s meticulous oversight of humanity. This surah highlights the presence of a celestial guardian recording every deed and reassures believers of divine justice on the Day of Resurrection.

Key Themes and Revelation

1. Divine Accountability

  • Celestial Watchers: “Every soul has a guardian over it” (Quran 86:4) – angels record all actions for ultimate judgment.
  • Resurrection Certainty: Affirms the inevitability of the Hereafter: “The Day when secrets are tested” (86:9).

2. Cosmic Reflections

  • The Star’s Symbolism: Swears by the piercing brightness of stars (86:1-3) to underscore Allah’s creative power and wisdom.
  • Human Origin: Reminds humans of their humble beginnings as a “fluid-drop” (86:5-7), urging humility and gratitude.

3. Meccan Context
Revealed in Mecca, this surah comforted persecuted believers, assuring them that oppressors would face divine reckoning.

Benefits of Reciting Surah At-Tariq

Mental Peace & ClarityEnhances spiritual and emotional well-being
Divine ProtectionShields against harm and black magic
Healing & RecoveryBelieved to aid in physical and spiritual healing
Strengthened FaithDeepens trust in Allah’s omnipresence and justice

Download Surah At-Tariq PDF to embrace its blessings in daily worship.

Structure and Tajweed Guide

Verses (Ayats)17

Perfect Your Recitation with Tajweed:

Tajweed RuleColor CodeExample from Surah
Ikhfa (Concealment)BlueNoon saakin in “مِنْ نُطْفَةٍ”
Ghunna (Nasalization)OrangeMeem in “يُمْحَى”
Qalqala (Echo)Redق in “وَالطَّارِقِ”
Idghaam (Merging)GreenNoon saakin in “مِن نَّجْمٍ”
Ikhfa Meem SaakinGreenMeem saakin in “عَلَيْهِمْ”
Qalb (Conversion)Purpleق in “الْخَلْقِ”
Idghaam Meem SaakinLight GreenMeem saakin in “هُمْ مُجْرِمُونَ”

Note: Use color-coded Quran apps/texts to visualize these rules effectively.




Connecting with Related Surahs

Surah Al-InfitarThe sky splitting on Judgment Day
Surah Al-QiyamahReality of resurrection and accountability
Surah Al-BurujDivine justice and celestial guardians

FAQs About Surah At-Tariq

Q: How many verses are in Surah At-Tariq?
A: 17 verses, offering concise yet profound lessons on accountability.

Q: What is the surah’s core message?
A: Every soul is watched by divine guardians, and all deeds will face judgment on the Day of Resurrection.

Q: Can reciting this surah protect against black magic?
A: Many believe its recitation, with sincere faith, can repel harm and evil influences.


Surah At-Tariq is a celestial reminder of Allah’s omnipresence and the certainty of divine justice. By reflecting on its verses, believers cultivate mindfulness, humility, and resilience against life’s trials. Let its message inspire you to live with integrity, trusting in the eternal wisdom of your Creator.

Engage Further: How has Surah At-Tariq impacted your spiritual journey? Share your story below!

Optimized Keywords: Surah At-Tariq benefits, Night Comer Quran, download Surah Tariq PDF, Tajweed rules, divine accountability, Meccan surahs.