نَادِ عَلِيّاً مَظْهَرَ الْعَجَائِبِ،
تَجِدْهُ عَوْناً لَكَ فِي النَّوَائِبِ،
كُلُّ هَمٍّ وَ غَمٍّ سَيَنْجَلِي،
بِعَظْمَتِكَ يَا اَللهُ نُبُوَّتِكَ يَا مُحَمَّدُ
بِوَلايَتِكَ يَا عَلِيُّ يَا عَلِيُّ يَا عَلِيُّ
Naad-e-‘ali yyan-mazharil ‘ajaaibi
tajid hu ‘awnallaka finnawaa ibi
qullu haminwwa ‘ghammin sayanjali
bi azamatika ya allahu wabi nabuwwatika ya muhammad
wabi wil ayaatika ya aliyyu ya aliyyu ya ali”
Call on Ali,
(He) is able to bring about the extraordinary.
You will find him an effective
supporter in all calamities.
(All) worries and sorrows will soon disappear .
by Your greatness of O Allah, By Your Prophethood O Mohammed,
By your Vicergency O Ali! O Ali! O Ali!
Longer Version 1
نَادِ عَلِيًّا مَظْهَرَ الْعَجَائِبِ تَجِدْهُ عَوْنًا لَّكَ فِىْ النَّوَآئِبِ
Nadi ʿAliyyan maẓhara al-ʿajāʾibi tajidhu ʿawnan laka fī al-nawāʾib
Call upon Ali, the manifestation of wonders, and find him a helper in difficulties.
كُلَّ هَمٍّ وَّ غَمِّ إِلَى اللهِ حَاجَتِىٌ وَ عَلَيْهِ مُعَوَّلِىُّ
Kulla hammin wa ghammin ilā Allāhi ḥājati wa ʿalayhi muʿawwali
Every worry and sorrow—I direct my needs to Allah, and on Him I rely.
كُلُّمَا رَمَيْتُ مُتَقَاضِىُ فِىُ اللهِ يَدُ اللهِ وَلِىُّ
Kullamā ramaytu mutaqāḍī fī Allāhi yad Allāhi waliyyu
Whenever I aim at a goal in Allah, His hand supports me.
اللّهِلِى أَدْعُوْكَ كُلَّ هَمِّ وَغَمِّ سَيَنْجَلِىُ بِعَظَمَتِكَ
Allāhumma adʿūka kulla hammin wa ghammin sayanjali biʿaẓamatika
Oh Allah, I call upon You—every worry and sorrow will vanish by Your greatness.
يَا أَلَلْهُ بِنُبُوَّتِكَ يَا مُحَمَّدُ بِلَا يَتِكَ يَا عَلِىُّ يَا عَلِىُّ
Yā Allāh, binubuwwatika yā Muḥammad, biwilāyatika yā ʿAliyyu yā ʿAliyyu
Oh Allah, through Your Prophethood, O Muhammad, through Your guardianship, O Ali, O Ali!
كُبَرُ اللهُ أَكْبَرُ أَنَا مِنْ شَرِّ أَعْدَآئِكَ بَرِىُءٌ
Kabbar Allāhu Akbar, anā min sharri aʿdāʾika barīʾun
Allah is the Greatest! I disassociate myself from the evil of Your enemies.
اللّهُ صَمَدِىُ بِحَقِّ ِيَّاكَ نَعُبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِيْنُ
Allāhu ṣamadī biḥaqqi iyyāka naʿbudu wa iyyāka nastaʿīn
Allah is my refuge. By the truth of “You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help.”
يَا أَبَا الْغَيْثِ أَغْشُنِىُّ يَا عَلِىُّ أَدْرِكْنِى
Yā Abā alGhaythi aghthinī, yā ʿAliyyu adriknī
O Father of relief, help me! O Ali, rescue me!
يَا قَاهِرَ الْعَدُةِّ وَيَا وَلِيَّ الوَلِيِّ يَا مَظُهَرَ الْعَجَائِبِ
Yā Qāhir alʿudda wa yā waliyy alwaliyy, yā maẓhar alʿajāʾib
O Subduer of adversaries and Protector of the loyal, O manifestation of wonders!
يَا مُرْتَضَى عَلِيٍّ يَا قَهَّارُ تَقَهَّرْتَ بِْلقَهَرِ
Yā Murtaḍā ʿAliyy, yā Qahhār, taqahhart bilqahr
O Chosen Ali, O Subduer, You have subdued all with power.
وَالقَهَرُ فِىْ قَهْرِ قَهْرِكَ يَا ذَا الْبَطْشِ الشَّدِيْدِ
Walqahru fī qahri qahrika yā Dhā alBaṭsh alShadīd
And power itself is subdued by Your overwhelming might, O Possessor of severe grasp.
آَنْتَ الْقَاهِرُ الْجَبَّارُ الْمُهْلِكُ المُنْتَقِمُ الْقَوِىُّ
Anta alQāhir alJabbār alMuhlik alMuntaqim alQawiyy
You are the Subduer, the Compeller, the Destroyer, the Avenger, the AllStrong.
وَ أُفَوِّضُ أَمْرِىٌ إِلَى اللْهِ إِنَّ اللّهَ بَصِيرٌ بِالْعِبَادِ
Wa ufawwiḍu amrī ilā Allāh, inna Allāha baṣīrun bilʿibād
And I entrust my affairs to Allah; indeed, Allah sees His servants.
حَسْبِىَ اللهُ وَ نِعْمَ الْوَكِيْلُ نِعْمَ الْمَوْلى وَنِعْمَ النَّصِيْرُ
Ḥasbiyallāhu wa niʿma alwakīl, niʿma almawlā wa niʿma alnaṣīr
Allah is sufficient for me, and He is the best Disposer of affairs, the best Master, and the best Helper.
Longer Version 2
نادِ عَلیاً مَظهَرَ العَجائِب تَجِدهُ عَوناً لَکَ فِی النَوّائِب
Nadi ʿAliyyan maẓhara alʿajāʾibi tajidhu ʿawnan laka fī alnawāʾib
Call upon Ali, the manifestation of wonders, and find him a helper in difficulties.
لی اِلی اللهِ حاجَتی وَ عَلَیهِ مُعَوَّلی
Li ilā Allāhi ḥājati wa ʿalayhi muʿawwali
To Allah belongs my need, and on Him I rely.
کُلَّما اَمَرتَهُ وَ رَمَیتَ مُنقَضی فی ظِللّ اللهِ وَ یضِللُ اللهُ لی
Kullamā amartahu wa ramayta munqaḍī fī ẓilli Allāhi wa yaẓillu Allāhu lī
Whenever I command and aim for my goal, I am under Allah’s protection, and He protects me.
اَدعُوکَ کُلَّ هَمٍ وَغَمًّ سَینجَلی بِعَظَمَتِکَ یا اللهُ
Adʿūka kulla hammin wa ghammin sayanjali biʿaẓamatika yā Allāh
I call upon You for every worry and sorrow, and it will vanish by Your greatness, O Allah.
بِنُبُوَّتِکَ یا مُحَمَّدَ بِوِلایتِکَ یاعَلِی یا عَلِی یا عَلِی
Binubuwwatika yā Muḥammad, biwilāyatika yā ʿAli, yā ʿAli, yā ʿAli
By Your Prophethood, O Muhammad, and by Your guardianship, O Ali, O Ali, O Ali!
اَدرِکنی بِحقِّ لُطفِکَ الخَفی
Adriknī biḥaqqi luṭfika alkhafī
Rescue me, by the truth of Your subtle grace.
اللهِ اَکبَرُ اَنا مِن شَرِّ اَعدائکَ بَریءٌ
Allāhu Akbar, anā min sharri aʿdāʾika barīʾun
Allah is the Greatest! I disassociate myself from the evil of Your enemies.
اللهُ صَمَدی مِن عِندِکَ مَدَی وَعَلَیکَ مُعتَمَدی
Allāhu ṣamadī min ʿindika madadī wa ʿalayka muʿtamadī
Allah is my refuge; from You comes my help, and on You I depend.
بِحقِّ إِیاکَ نَعبُدُ وَ إِیاکَ نَستَعینُ
Biḥaqqi iyyāka naʿbudu wa iyyāka nastaʿīn
By the truth of “You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help.”
یا اَبالغَیثِ اَغِثنی یا اَبَاالَحَسَنَین اَدرِکنی
Yā Abā alGhaythi aghithnī, yā Abā alḤasanayn adriknī
O Father of relief, help me! O Father of the two Hasans, rescue me!
یاسَیفَ اللهُ اَدرِکنی یابابَ اللهِ اَدرِکنی
Yā Sayfa Allāh adriknī, yā Bāba Allāh adriknī
O Sword of Allah, rescue me! O Gate of Allah, rescue me!
یاحُجَّهَ اللهِ اَدرِکنی یا وَلِی اللهِ اَدرِکنی
Yā Ḥujjata Allāh adriknī, yā Waliyy Allāh adriknī
O Proof of Allah, rescue me! O Guardian of Allah, rescue me!
بِحَقَّ لُطفِکَ الخَفی یا قَهّارُ تَقَهَّرتَ بِالقَهرِ
Biḥaqqi luṭfika alkhafī yā Qahhār, taqahhart bilqahr
By the truth of Your subtle grace, O Subduer, You have subdued all with power.
وَ القَهر ُفی قَهرِ قَهرکَ یا قَهارُ یا قاهِرَ العَدُوّ
Wa alqahru fī qahri qahrika yā Qahhār, yā Qāhir alʿaduww
And power itself is subdued by Your overwhelming might, O Subduer of enemies.
یامَظهَرَ العَجائِبِ یامُرتَضی عَلِی
Yā Maẓhara alʿajāʾibi yā Murtaḍā ʿAli
O Manifestation of wonders, O Chosen Ali.
رَمَیتَ مِن بَغی عَلَی بِسَهمِ اللهِ وَسَیفِ اللهِ القاتِلِ
Ramayta min baghī ʿalayya bisahmi Allāhi wa sayfi Allāhi alqātil
You struck my oppressor with Allah’s arrow and Allah’s killing sword.
اُفَوَّضُ اَمری اِلی اللهِ اِنَّ اللهُ بَصَیرٌ بِالعَبادِ
Ufawwiḍu amrī ilā Allāh, inna Allāha baṣīrun bilʿibād
I entrust my affairs to Allah; indeed, Allah sees His servants.
وَ اِلحُکُم اِلهٌ واحِدٌ لا اِلهَ اِلاّ هُوَ الرَّحمنُ الرَّحیمُ
Wa alḥukmu ilāhun wāḥid, lā ilāha illā huwa alRaḥmān alRaḥīm
And the rule belongs to one God; there is no deity but Him, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
یاغیاثَ المُستَغیینِ یا دَلیلَ المُتَحیرِینَ
Yā Ghiyātha almustaghīthīn, yā Dalīla almutaḥayyirīn
O Help of those who seek help, O Guide of the perplexed.
یا اَمانَ الخائِفینَ یا مُعینَ المُتَوَکِلینَ
Yā Amāna alkhāʾifīn, yā Muʿīna almutawakkilīn
O Security for the fearful, O Helper of the reliant.
یا رَاحِمَ المَساکینَ یا اِلهَ العالَمَینَ بِرَحمَتِکَ
Yā Rāḥima almasākīn, yā Ilāha alʿālamīn, biraḥmatika
O Mercy for the needy, O God of the worlds, by Your mercy.
وَصَلَّی اللهُ عَلی سَیدِنا مُحَمَّدٍ وَالِهِ اَجمَعین
Wa ṣallā Allāhu ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammad wa ālihi ajmaʿīn
And may Allah send blessings upon our master Muhammad and all his family.
وَ الحَمدُ اللهِ رَبِّ العالَمینَ
Wa alḥamdu lillāhi Rabb alʿālamīn
And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
Alternate Translation
Call Ali, who is Manifestor of wonders, Thou shall surely find him helper in your difficulties, all grief and sorrow shall be removed.
I submit my temporal wishes to Thee on whom I trust and always referred Thee to bestow fulfillment of temporal wishes.
O! Having Thee bestowed support, O! Thee Appointed Wali, All grief and Sorrows will disappear,
By Thee by Thy tremendousness O! Lord, By Thee by Thy Apostleship O! Muhammad, – Blessings of Thee on Thy Apostle & descendants, By Thee by Thy granted Power &
Authority of Wail, O! Ali, O Ali, O! Ali Help! O! Ali for Thee granted eternal hidden grants to you, Help!
Allah the Almighty is Supreme, Allah the Almighty is supreme, Allah the Almighty is supreme,
I am relieved from the enmity of (your) enemies.
Thee is Eternal, Absolute; I have trust in Thee, By that truth, Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech help.
O! Helper of the Seekers of help!, O! Ali help!, O! Mighty all winner over enemies,
O! Eternal Leaders of the Leaders, O! Manifestor of Wonders,
O! The Chosen one, O! Mighty and Powerful,
O! Mighty, Valiant, Chivalrous Able oppressor of antagonists
Might & Valour is yours, O! Powerful combater,
You are mighty and Irresistible, Such a Powerful & Strong avenger that none is capable to resist nor keeps power to revenge
I submit my temporal wishes to Thee, The supreme, No doubt Thy is All Knowing
O! People, There is no God except ALLAH The Supreme, The Merciful, The Beneficent O! Allah, Thy is sufficient, The best Governor, The best Master, The best Helper.
O! Helper of seekers of help and bereft, O! The Merciful helper of poor,
Come for Help! O! Ali Help! O! Ali Help! ,
O! Thee by Thy Mercy, by Thy Favour, by Thy Goodness of rewarding, (Help) O! Thee The Merciful and The Most Gracious.
O! Allah Bless Mohammed and his progeny.