Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni Biography

Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni Biography


Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni Biography





Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni The Great Murshid of Sultan ul Hind

Allah, the Almighty, says:




“O You Who Believe! Fear Allah and Keep the Company of the Righteous.” [Surah At-Tauba (9), Verse 119]

The Muslim Ummah has been blessed by Allah with guides who have always kept us on the path of righteousness.

These pious servants of Allah are known as the Awliyah Allah, meaning the beloved ones of Allah, and they attained this status through the blessings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

In every era, Allah sent them as guides for the Ummah. These blessed personalities are shining beacons of guidance, whose light dispels the darkness of disbelief and innovation.

They attract and guide the believers towards the commands of Allah and His beloved Prophet while exposing the falsehoods of deviants and working to eradicate societal evils.

Among these pious servants, there is a personality who can be introduced through his dedicated, sincere, devoted, exalted, and esteemed disciple.

Without even needing to mention his excellence, miracles, or services, his invaluable contribution to the world is enough to showcase his distinction. His spiritual guidance gave birth to a personality recognized and respected in the East and West as Sultan ul Hind Khwaja e Khwajegaan Gharib Nawaaz Hazrat Khwaja Mu’eenud’deen Chishti Ajmeri (may Allah’s mercy be upon him).

Which true Sunni, with a connection to the Indo-Pak sub-continent, does not know the greatness and eminence of Sultan ul Hind Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (may Allah’s mercy be upon him)?

Ustadh e Zaman Shahanshah e Sukhan Allama Hasan Raza Bareilvi (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), the younger brother of Sayyidi Aala Hazrat Imam e Ahle Sunnat (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) Ash Shah Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), says:

“O Khwaja of Hind, Exalted is Your Eminent Court
Never Deprived is The Mendicant Who Begs At Your Court”

The blessed personality I wish to discuss is none other than the Murshid e Tariqat (spiritual guide) and Shaykh e Kaamil (perfect spiritual master) of Sarkaar Khwaja Gharib Nawaaz (may Allah’s mercy be upon him). This blessed and esteemed personality is Hazrat Sayyidi Sarkaar Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him).

Subhan’Allah! Can you imagine the status of the Murshid (spiritual guide) and the excellence of the Murshid when the disciple is Sultan ul Hind (may Allah’s mercy be upon him)




There are varying opinions about the exact date of his birth, but according to most narrations, Hazrat Sarkaar Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) was born in 536 Hijri, corresponding to 1141.


He was indeed a grand and esteemed personality. Hazrat Sarkaar Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) hailed from a place in Khorasan known as Harwan or Hirwan, which is why he is also known as Harooni and Harwani or Hirwani.


He was a great scholar (Aalim) and an ascetic (Zahid), and a prominent Sufi of his time. He acquired knowledge from renowned scholars in Nishapur and excelled in various disciplines such as Hadith, Fiqh, Tafseer, and more.




Hazrat Sayyiduna Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) took Bay’at, the oath of spiritual allegiance, at the sacred hands of Hazrat Khwaja Haji Shareef Zandani (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), who was a great mystic in his era. He served his revered spiritual guide with utmost dedication and advanced swiftly in the path of spiritualism (Sulook) and divine knowledge (Ma’rifat).




He was well-known for his spiritual struggles and sincere devotion in worship. He engaged in Mujaahida, deep spiritual exercises, to attain closeness to Almighty Allah, and he did so with immense devotion. It is reported that for seventy years, he practiced intense Mujaahida, during which he never ate to his fill, only consuming what was necessary. Despite his intense spiritual endeavors, he was an exceptional Hafiz of the Holy Qur’an. Alongside his other acts of worship, he loved reciting the Qur’an and would complete one Khatam Shareef daily.

Subhan’Allah! This should serve as a lesson for all our revered Huffaz e Kiraam (those who have memorized the Qur’an). This was the way of these beloved servants of Allah. If a Hafiz or an Alim wishes to attain true success and blessings in their knowledge and recitations, they should seek inspiration from these beloved ones of Allah.





Hazrat Sarkaar Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), the spiritual guide of Sultan ul Hind Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), was a truly blessed individual. His supplications would swiftly find acceptance in the Court of Almighty Allah. He was known as Mustajaabud Da’waat, meaning his prayers were answered promptly.

A beautiful example of this is when Hazrat Sarkaar Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) frequently prayed for his final resting place to be in the sacred city of Makkah Mukarramah. Almighty Allah accepted his supplication, and today his blessed tomb resides in the holy city of Makkah Mukarramah.

When making supplications for Sultan ul Hind Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), he would often say that this beloved son of mine, referring to his devoted disciple, has served me with utmost sincerity and devotion, leaving no deficiency in his service. O Allah! Bestow upon him the best of rewards and grant him excellence and divine proximity, elevating him to a distinguished position among the Awliyah (saints).

Subhan’Allah! He prayed for a place in Makkah, and his prayer was answered. He beseeched Almighty Allah to bless his devoted disciple and the pride of his disciples, Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), with exceptional excellence. And indeed, Allah bestowed upon him a unique excellence that was a result of the supplication made by his perfect spiritual guide and his sincere recognition of Huzoor Ghaus e Azam (may Allah’s mercy be upon him). This elevated him to the esteemed station of Sultan ul Hind, a position that is truly unique and exalted.




Hazrat Sayyid Meer Abdul Wahid Bilgirami (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) is a distinguished and revered spiritual figure. In his widely renowned book, Saba’ Sanabil Shareef, he narrates the following:

The excellence and acceptance of Hazrat Sayyiduna Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) were of such magnitude that during his prayer, an unseen voice would declare, “We have accepted your prayer. Ask whatever you wish to ask.” Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) would respond, “O Allah! I seek Your proximity.” The voice would then say, “O Uthman! I have bestowed upon you an eternal radiance. What more do you desire?” Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) would humbly request, “O Allah! Forgive the sinful ones from the Ummah of Your Beloved Muhammad (peace be upon him).” The voice would reply, “Due to you, I have forgiven thirty thousand sinful people from the Ummah of My Beloved Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him).”

Hazrat Sayyid Meer Abdul Wahid Bilgirami (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) further states that Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) would receive these glad tidings five times daily.





Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) was undeniably a great Wali (saint) and Sahib-e-Karamat (possessor of miracles). While this is a brief account, I will present a few of his blessed miracles (karamats) here.

To truly witness the miracles of Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), one should visit Ajmer Sharif and seek the blessings of his radiant karamats, which continue to bestow blessings even after more than eight centuries through his perfect spiritual guide.




Hazrat Sarkaar Khwaja Gharib Nawaaz (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) would often narrate that once while traveling with my Shaykh-e-Kamil (perfect spiritual guide), we reached the banks of the River Tigris. Unfortunately, there was no boat available at that time to cross the river. My Murshid (spiritual guide) then instructed me to close my eyes. After a few moments, he said, “Open your eyes!” When I opened my eyes, to my astonishment, we were both standing on the other side of the river, on the banks of the River Tigris.

This incident emphasizes the importance of firmly holding onto the righteous servants of Allah and attaching ourselves to them. By doing so, we can partake in their blessings in all aspects of life, both in this world and in the hereafter.



Once, a distressed and anxious old man approached my Murshid, Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him). He expressed his sorrow, stating that his son had been missing for the past forty years. Overwhelmed by uncertainty, the old man sought Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni’s blessed supplication to help him locate his son and ease his distress. With humility, Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) bowed his head and entered a state of spiritual meditation known as Muraqaba.

After some time, Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) raised his noble head and addressed those present in his gathering, urging them to make dua (supplication) for the reunion of the old man and his son. Once the gathering completed their prayers, Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) said to the old man, “Go home, your son has arrived at your house.”

Upon reaching his home, the old man found a person standing there, joyfully announcing the return of his long-lost son. After an emotional reunion, they both visited the Court of Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him). Curious, Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) inquired about the son’s whereabouts and the events that had unfolded during his absence.

The son narrated his extraordinary experience, sharing that he had been abducted by jinns and held captive on an isolated island, bound by chains on his hands and feet. However, a blessed individual resembling Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) appeared before him. As the person glanced at the chains, they miraculously shattered and fell away. Taking the son’s hand, the blessed individual instructed him to close his eyes. Moments later, when the son opened his eyes, he found himself standing at the doorstep of his home.

Subhan’Allah! This incident exemplifies the remarkable abilities of the Awliyah Allah (saints of Allah). Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) never revealed that this was his karamat (miracle). Instead, he attributed the reunion to the collective dua of the people. In reality, through his divine insight (Nazr e Wilayat), while in the state of Muraqaba, Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) had scanned the earth, located the missing son, and freed him from the island. He had also facilitated the son’s transportation to his home. Thus, when he instructed the people to make dua for the son’s return, he already knew that the reunion had taken place by the mercy of Allah.




Once, Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) happened to pass by a place inhabited by fire-worshippers, also known as Zoroastrians. These worshippers had constructed a grand temple with a dome where a fire would burn continuously day and night. Twenty large loads of logs were burned daily, and the place was always crowded with fire worshippers.

Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) sat under a tree near a river, while his attendant Fakhrud’deen prepared some bread (rotis) for their iftar (meal after fasting). When Fakhrud’deen approached the fire worshippers to obtain some fire, they refused to provide it. Fakhrud’deen returned to Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) and informed him about the situation.

The perfect spiritual guide and Murshid of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaaz (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) personally rose and approached the fire-worshippers. He went up to their leader, who sat on a throne with his seven-year-old son on his lap, surrounded by his followers who worshipped the fire.

Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) addressed the leader, questioning the benefit of worshipping a fire that could easily be extinguished with a little water. He urged the leader and his followers to worship the Creator who had created the fire and everything else, instead of the mere creation itself.

The leader of the fire-worshippers responded that fire held great significance in their faith. He explained that they worshipped fire as their deity to prevent it from burning them after death.

Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) challenged their belief, suggesting that they put their hand into the fire to test whether it would spare them or burn them. The leader of the fire-worshippers dismissed the idea, claiming that fire’s nature was to burn, and no one would dare to go near it.

Hearing this, Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) swiftly lifted the leader’s seven-year-old son from his lap, recited “Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem” (In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful), and recited the verse:

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He then walked into the raging fire within their temple. The fire worshippers were astonished and began shouting and screaming. Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) disappeared momentarily within the flames and emerged unharmed. Not only were his clothes unaffected by the fire, but they were also untouched by smoke.

Thousands of fire worshippers had gathered, witnessing this miraculous event. Overwhelmed by the karamat (miracle), they repented and accepted Islam at the blessed hands of Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him). The Murshid of Sultan ul Hind, Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), named the leader Abdullah and his son Ibraheem. Both of them became his devoted followers, and he nurtured them spiritually until Allah blessed them with sainthood (wilayat).

The Temple of Fire was dismantled, and a mosque was built in its place for the worship of Allah. Some narrations mention that Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) remained there for two and a half years, guiding and educating the newly converted community.

Subhan’Allah! This miracle performed by the perfect spiritual guide is reflected in Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaaz (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), who witnessed hundreds of thousands accepting Islam at his blessed hands during his lifetime. It is a clear manifestation of Murshid’s influence and teachings. This serves as evidence that a sincere disciple who adheres to the commands and love of their perfect Shaykh will reflect the qualities and manifestations of their Shaykh, becoming a means of divine blessings and guidance for others.


Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni Biography


It is narrated that once, seventy ignorant individuals gathered in a house at midnight. During their conversation, one of them began discussing the virtues and miracles of Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him). Intrigued, all seventy of them decided to visit Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) to witness his spiritual power (wilaayat) firsthand. They agreed that if they witnessed his miracles, they would repent and become his disciples.

Each individual secretly thought of a particular delicacy that was impossible to obtain at that late hour. They hoped that Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) would perceive their desires without them uttering a word. Filled with anticipation, they presented themselves before him in his blessed court.

Upon seeing them, Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) said,


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“And Allah guides whomsoever He wills towards the righteous path.” He then instructed them to wash their hands and, reciting “Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem” (In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful), he raised his blessed hands towards the sky.

To their astonishment, a tray filled with a variety of food that matched each individual’s desired delicacy suddenly appeared before them, seemingly out of nowhere. Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) then distributed the food among them according to their wishes. Witnessing this miraculous event, they were overwhelmed with awe and immediately repented, becoming devoted disciples of Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him).

Through his blessings, all seventy individuals were bestowed with immense spiritual excellence, and their lives were transformed. They became part of his faithful disciples, experiencing the divine guidance and blessings that he offered.






Hazrat Sultan ul Hind, Sarkaar Khwaja e Khwajegaan Hazrat Khwaja Mu’eenud’deen Chishti Ajmeri (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), spent twenty years in the presence of his perfect spiritual guide (Murshid e Kaamil). During this time, he diligently collected the blessed words and spiritual experiences from his Murshid’s life, which became renowned as the book “Anees ul Arwaah.” A deep study of this blessed book reveals further insights into the beautiful teachings of Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him). I will now present a few of his profound directives for the sake of attaining blessings.




Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) explained the essence of faith (Imaan). He quoted the Beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who said, “Imaan is bare, its garb is piety, its head post is mendicancy, its treatment is knowledge, and its word is the Shahaadat, which means to believe in the oneness of Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” In other words, a true believer is one who proclaims the declaration of faith with their tongue, affirms it in their heart, and exemplifies virtuous conduct.




In today’s times, many people underestimate the importance of Salaah (prayer). It is crucial to pay attention to the guidance of the pious regarding the commandments of the Qur’an and Hadith. Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) emphasized, “One who does not perform the obligatory prayers has no share in Islam.”




Referring to a Hadith Shareef, Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) stated that when people’s sins increase immensely, it is believed that even the sun and the moon experience an eclipse.




Quoting another Hadith Shareef, Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) mentioned that a woman who respects and obeys her husband will be granted a place in Paradise alongside Sayyidatuna Fatima Zahra (may Allah be pleased with her). On the other hand, a woman who refuses to respond when her husband calls her will have her virtuous deeds invalidated.




Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) emphasized the significance of giving Sadaqa (charity). Citing a Hadith Shareef, he stated, “One of the best actions is to give charity.” He further quoted Hazrat Khwaja Ibrahim Adham (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), who wrote in Asaar e Awliyah, “Donating one dirham in Sadaqa is greater than a year of continuous worship, including fasting during the day and praying throughout the night.” Sultan ul Hind, Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaaz (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), learned from his Kaamil Shaykh, Hazrat Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), that possessing three qualities ensures Allah’s righteousness: Generosity, Compassion, and Humility. Generosity is like the vast sea, Compassion is like the radiant Sun, and Humility is like the fertile earth.


Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni Biography




Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) proclaimed that quenching the thirst of a person immediately leads to the forgiveness of one’s sins. It is as if the person is reborn, just as they were when their mother gave birth to them. Moreover, they will enter Paradise without any accountability, and if they were to pass away on the same day, they would be counted among the martyrs. Furthermore, Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) stated that feeding the hungry results in Allah fulfilling a thousand of their needs, saving them from the fire of Hell, and constructing a magnificent palace for them in Paradise.



Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) stated that daughters are a precious gift from Allah. Whoever brings happiness to their daughters, Allah will bring happiness to them in return. He further emphasized that being pleased with the birth of a daughter is more beneficial than performing Ziyaarat (visit) of the Kaaba seventy times. Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) mentioned that Allah is merciful to those parents who are kind and compassionate towards their daughters. He added that the Prophets and Saints showed more love towards their daughters than their sons.




According to Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him), when entering and leaving a gathering, it is important to convey Salaams (greetings). Conveying Salaams serves as an expiation for one’s sins, and the angels seek forgiveness on behalf of the person who does so. Conveying Salaams brings a reward of a thousand good deeds, forgives a thousand sins, fulfills a thousand needs, and is equivalent to the blessings of a hundred Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages, which are recorded in the person’s Book of Deeds.




Referring to a Hadith Shareef, Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) mentioned that in the latter times, scholars (Ulama) would face persecution, slander, and insults. He further explained that during such times, wealth and influence would be held by the affluent, while the Ulama would become weak and oppressed. In this period, Allah would withdraw His blessings, leading to barren and ruined cities and strife in matters of religion. Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) warned against becoming associated with such wealthy people, as they are destined for Hell.




Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) advised people to repent (make Tauba) before their demise, as regretting afterward would be of no avail. He mentioned that Allah had told Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) that when his descendants repent sincerely, He would accept their repentance. Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) explained that repentance is of two types: true repentance, which involves avoiding the sin one has repented for, and ineffective repentance, which occurs when a person continues to repent but does not abstain from committing sins.




Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) addressed Sultan ul Hind, Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaaz, and stated that a worthy (true) disciple (Mureed) is someone who diligently puts into practice whatever they hear from their perfect spiritual guide (Murshid e Kaamil). By doing so, they safeguard themselves from humiliation and attain spiritual growth.




According to most narrations, Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) departed from this world on the 5th of Shawwal in the year 617 Hijri. It is mentioned that he had traveled to Makkah Mukarramah in the later years of his life and, in accordance with his supplication, he passed away in the holy city of Makkah. However, another narration suggests that his demise occurred in 607 Hijri.


Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni Biography


Frequently asked questions (FAQs):


  1. Q: Who is Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni Rahmatullah Alahi? A: Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni Rahmatullah Alahi was a revered Sufi saint and spiritual guide.
  2. Q: What is the significance of the book “Anees ul Arwaah”? A: “Anees ul Arwaah” is a collection of blessed words and spiritual moments from the life of Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni Rahmatullah Alahi.
  3. Q: What did Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni say about daughters? A: Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni emphasized that daughters are a gift from Allah, and those who keep them happy will receive happiness from Allah.
  4. Q: What benefits are there in conveying Salaams (greetings) when entering and leaving a gathering? A: Conveying Salaams in a gathering is rewarded with forgiveness, good deeds, and fulfilled needs. Angels ask forgiveness on behalf of the one who does this.
  5. Q: What did Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni mention about the Ulama (religious scholars) in the latter times? A: Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni warned that the Ulama will face persecution and insults while the wealthy become influential, leading to a decline in blessings and strife in religion.
  6. Q: What did Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni say about repentance? A: Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni emphasized the importance of sincere repentance, where one avoids returning to the sins they repented for.
  7. Q: How did Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni pass away? A: Most narrations suggest that Hazrat Khwaja Uthman Harooni passed away in 617 Hijri, possibly in Makkah Mukarramah.

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